Advanced Piping Solutions

About Advanced Piping Solution

Founded in 2007 as a limited liability company in the city of Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Advanced Piping Solutions previously known as Arabian Company for Water Pipe Industry Ltd. (ACWAPIPE) is set to build a reputation for professionalism. Taking a comprehensive approach, we manage a number of industrial complexes for pipe manufacturing in the Kingdoms Eastern and Western Provinces, and we produce Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipes, Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) pipes and Reinforced Concrete (RC) pipes. And to provide our esteemed clientele with even more, we are set to expand our manufacturing capabilities to encompass other types of pipes.

As a specializing in the manufacture and supply of water, sewerage and high-quality industrial pipes, the Advanced Piping Solutions is focused on the future and employing advanced techniques coupled with the latest production lines and global standards. Advanced Piping Solutions contributes to the development of pivotal infrastructure projects and offers water services to government water authorities and municipalities, in addition to reaching out to the worlds industrial, agricultural and energy needs at local and international levels.

Catering to the needs of high-profile projects, Advanced Piping Solutions supplies premium pipes (chiefly the main lines for transporting and distribution of drinking water, sewerage and seawater, in addition to drainage of sewage and rainwater). We also play a leading role in industrial and chemical residues projects and desalination plants, cooling systems, firefighting and irrigation systems. No matter how large or challenging a project is, we have the know-how and dedication to deliver viable solutions.

Advanced Piping Solutions’s goal is to provide high quality products and cost-effective, advanced solutions. We also aim to provide our customers with the best product specifications and the highest international standards by using and investing in innovative engineering techniques and specialized expertise.